Alexander Konarev's Pages
home journeys


Photo Gallery

1976 Car and foot trip in Trans-Caucasus and Dagestan  Collecting of wild cereals Photos
1977 Tien Shan mountains (around Issyk-kul, Kirghizstan) Hiking Photos
1978 West Caucasus Entomological collectios and hiking 
1984 Canoe trip in Karelia 

1985 Canoe trip in Ukraine (River South Bug)

1985 East Caucasus (Bazar-Diuzu mountain) Hiking
1986 Canoe trip in Ukraine (River Stryi) 

1986 Pamir-Alai mountains (Fans, Tadzykistan)  Hiking
1987 Central Caucasus (Kazbek)  Hiking Photos
1988 Mountain trip in Altai Hiking  
1988 Mountain trip in Rila, Bulgaria

1989 Canoe trip in Karelia (Polar circle region)
1990 Central Caucasus (Bezengi wall region) Entomological collectios and hiking Photos
1991 Central Caucasus (Gwandra mt. region) Entomological collectios and hiking
1992 Tien Shan (to the South of Issyk-kul) Entomological collectios and hiking Photos
1993 Central Caucasus (Elbrus region)

1995 Canoe trip in Middle Ural (River Koiwa) 

1996-1997 Cycling near Bristol and in Somerset, UK
1997 Cycling in Karelian Peninsula (Near St. Petersburg)

1997 Car journey through Japan (Tokyo-Kyoto-Tottori)  Collecting of wild legumes and sightseeing Photos
1997 Cycling in Tsukuba (Japan) region

1998 Canoe trip along River Luga

1999 Mountain trip in Central Caucasus (Elbrus region)
1999 Canoe trip in Carelia (Ladoga lake)
2000 Cycle trips in UK (Dorset, South Wales, Somerset)
2001 Canoe trip along rivers Oredezh and Luga, Leningrad district 

2002 Cycle trips in UK (Somerset, South Wales, Wiltshire)

Pictures from some trips are in preparation.

home journeys


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